Thursday, April 8, 2010


So as you can probably tell from my absence of has kinda gotten away from me! with the twins now crawling, I rarely have an opportunity to sit down...or eat..or blog! :) However, life has gotten way more fun in the process! On top of the demands of having 2 babies, we are in the middle of a huge transition. For those of you who haven't yet heard the news, we are MOVING TO ST.LOUIS!! We are headed to seminary full time this fall = lots to be done in preparation for a major transition with 2 one year olds! What an adventure! house isn't always clean, sometimes we eat canned soup for dinner...our living room is cluttered with toys...some days the kids don't get baths...and life is fun :) Demanding, but fun. I've learned to lower all the expectations I have on myself and seek to do more enjoying...

Happy Easter!

Church wide Easter Egg hunt!


Our good friend Isabelle :)